Facebook Must Really Suck At Machine Learning

Facebook recently claimed it is hard[1] to differentiate between fake news[2] and real news. Given how similar fake news detection is to related problems such as search index spam, ads landing page spam, social networking bots, and porn detection this suggests one of two things: (1) Facebook really sucks at

Apple may bring Siri to iMessage

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence Apps and Platforms Briefing subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here. Apple filed a patent last year to integrate Siri with its iMessage platform for iOS devices, TechCrunch reported. The voice-based virtual assistant would be able to conduct activities like making payments, scheduling

Everything You Need to Know About Chatbots

In 2016, we’ve seen the rise of chatbots as a popular tool for consumers to communicate more directly with brands. If you’re unfamiliar with the technology, chatbots are computer programs that mimic conversation with people using artificial intelligence. Chatbots are virtually transforming the way we interact on the internet in