The Political Twitter Bots Will Rage This Election Day

“She will never win,” Gabriella tweeted emphatically on Monday, hours before the polls opened on Election Day. “Stealing is not winning, it’s losing.” “Hillary Hillary Hillary!” Mel tweeted in the same hour, with equal enthusiasm. As the war for hearts and minds and votes entered the final battle, it was no time for partisans

Why your chatbot needs a vertical focus

In 2005, Ikea released Anna, a virtual assistant that functioned as one of the first mainstream chatbots. Consumers could ask Anna about prices, parts, store hours, and Swedish meatballs. But after a decade, Ikea shut down Anna, citing customer dissatisfaction as a key reason why it was time to move

5 ways humanitarian bots can save the world

Fifteen year old Sarafina, a female student in the capital city of Liberia, had a distressing problem at school: Her math teacher refused to give her a report card unless she had sex with him. Every day at school, he would request sexual favors and touch her inappropriately. Embarrassed, Sarafina kept

Virgin becomes last major UK 4G network

Virgin Media has launched its first 4G tariffs, the last major UK network to offer high-speed mobile internet plans. The network said it would “zero-rate” both WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, so using the apps would not count towards customers’ data usage. However, the apps will stop working if customers use

4 questions to ask when building a Facebook chatbot

Recently, Converse.AI participated in Bot World, a dedicated UK event that brought together brands, developers and pioneers of the hottest tech trend. We hosted and moderated a panel session featuring Facebook, Sage and Twilio on the Top Considerations When Building A Relevant Bot. The conversation was engaging and thoughtful and