Twitter has joined the battle of the bots, announcing the launch of several new features designed to encourage brands to use it as a customer service platform. The social network has ramped up the tools it offers to companies using its direct messaging function in order to reach customers. The
Author: admin
Twitter joins bot battle with automated messages in DMs
The next time you “direct message” a company on Twitter, the reply could be so instantaneous it doesn’t even seem human. Maybe, that’s because it’s not. On Tuesday, Twitter said it was rolling out the ability for companies to set up automated customer service messages in DMs, like welcome greetings
Twitter Introduces Welcome Messages, Quick Replies
Despite being rattled by uncertainty and turmoil of late, Twitter continues doing its best to position itself as the customer service platform of choice for brands. And it’s looking to chatbots to help solve customers’ problems more quickly. In September, Twitter added a trio of new customer service tools. In addition
Podcast: Five Mobile Commerce Predictions for 2017
It’s that time of the year when the analysts at eMarketer reflect on recent developments and make some educated estimates about what might (and might not) occur in the year ahead. In the latest episode of “Behind The Numbers,” hosts Marcus Johnson and Bryan Yeager invite eMarketer’s two retail and
How I Built a #MetricShiftBot
Building a chat bot is easy. The hard part is deciding what you want your bot to do, how it will interact with your audience, and how you will measure its success. That’s what I’m learning after delving into the world of bots. As we’ve seen over the years, publishers
4 Futuristic Content Tactics You’ll Want To Learn
To truly succeed in content marketing, you have to adapt as new tools, tactics, and data all come out. Staying stuck in the past will only lead to declining returns and losing customer interest. Marketers need to look to the future to truly prepare for what’s to come. Not every
The shift from app silos to digital workplace as platform
As business applications continue to proliferate in the workplace, enterprises have begun to realize that their ever-more complex landscape of digital tools for their workforce should be more effectively organized and integrated to better deliver their full value and provide returns on their often significant cumulative investment. The consumerization of
New IoT Botnet Malware Discovered; Infecting More Devices Worldwide
The whole world is still dealing with the Mirai IoT Botnet that caused vast internet outage last Friday by launching massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks against the DNS provider Dyn, and researchers have found another nasty IoT botnet. Security researchers at MalwareMustDie have discovered a new malware family
Bots and banks: The next step in digital engagement is here
How do you stay competitive in an increasingly bot-engaged market, with a relatively young technology, in a complex industry where a single error could be devastating? Join this VB Live event to find out how financial companies can minimize risk, maximize customer satisfaction and transform their brand. Register here for
Why the second coming of Facebook commerce is good for everyone
In the last month, Facebook has ramped up its commerce-focused activities by announcing a range of new initiatives including Facebook Marketplace, a Craigslist-style service for buying and selling stuff, a standalone Events app, friends-driven recommendation functionality, stronger PayPal integration with Facebook Messenger and other payment and buying functionality integrated into
How to Make the Most of ‘Dark Social’
You might not know this, but you’re already using Dark Social. What you might not be doing is tracking, monitoring, and analyzing your success, but that’s becoming more of a possibility, according to one expert. Dark Social is anything that is not on the major social platforms, such as Facebook,
4 Uncommon Ways to Nurture Leads With Personalization
When someone lands on your blog and signs up for your email list, they’re said to have converted from your owned media. But what about that funny piece you wrote on BuzzFeed, or that awesome Facebook post that came from a spontaneous idea? How will you nurture leads from discovery
Meet the First Digital Ghost, Thanks to Artificial Intelligence
This Halloween, you can come “face to face” with the digital ghost of Roman Mazurenko, thanks to an artificial intelligence chatbot built by his close friend, entrepreneur Eugenia Kuyda. Roman died in a car accident. Kuyda used the neural language platform of her AI startup Luka to resurrect a semblance
Baidu’s AI bot aims to solve health crisis by speeding communication between doctors and patients
From Siri to Alexa to Cortana, chatbots are beginning to revolutionize the way we receive information. Gartner reports that, by 2020, 85% of customer interactions will be managed without humans. But while many bots are focused on delivering goods and services to consumers, a new bot by Chinese search giant
Facebook: A handy roundup of its latest developments and commercial opportunities
Although it is nearly seven years since Time Magazine observed that Facebook was ‘the site that ate the internet’, in the intervening years the social network has only increased its influence in the digital space and beyond. In the 2016 Interbrand ranking of world’s most valuable brands, Facebook climbed eight