4 steps to chatbot retention

To survive, businesses need to find and engage customers. To go beyond survival and achieve success, they need to both grow an audience and retain customers over time. A post-mortem analysis of over a hundred failed companies found that the inability to identify the right market and genuinely connect with customers caused


A lire aussi L’année 2016 a été le théâtre d’un renouveau, celui des “chatbots”, ou agents conversationnels en français. Il s’agit de services avec lesquels un utilisateur peut interagir au travers d’une interface textuelle, imitant le déroulement d’une conversation humaine. Le mouvement est porté par des géants technologiques comme WeChat,

Chatbots are the next big cybercrime target

Chatbots are all the rage these days. And it’s no surprise, as they offer a method of frictionless, natural conversation between a brand and its customers, as well as the ability to improve the customer service experience without the need to augment expensive department staffs. At this point in time,